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Can Win Phone 7 Save Garmin-Asus?

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Garmin-Asus hopes a Windows Phone 7 device, expected to launch early 2011, will save its smartphone business. It also plans to expand its Android line-up with new devices, according to DigiTimes.


Last month Garmin's CFO said publicly the company is ready to exit the smartphone business if it does not achieve success in 6 months. Analysts define success as Garmin-Asus selling at least a million devices or more each year to stay in the smartphone market.

The Garmin-Asus joint venture, created in reaction to smartphones cutting into GPS business, made only $27 million in revenue in Q2 2010. GPS device sales are also down from their 2008 peak, which is putting more pressure on the smartphone business to pull its weight.

Go Garmin-Asus Lineup Report

Go Interview Garmin Mulls Smartphone Unit Future

10 Handsets for Win Phone 7 Launch

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Microsoft unveils first phones running Win Phone 7, 8 months after the OS unveiling in Barcelona.

Win Phone 7 Unveiling

5 models will be initially available in Europe from Oct 21 from HTC, Samsung and LG. All come with 480x800 WVGA touchscreens and adhere to Microsoft standards for screen resolution, processor and button configuration.

The new OS overhauls Windows Mobile and integrates Microsoft's Zune, XBox Live and Office, together with Bing Search and Windows Live.

Go Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Portfolio

Is UMI the Home Video Conferencing Cisco Wanted?

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Cisco launches ūmi  (prounounced You-Me), a home videoconferencing system. A premium single-function product ($600 in USA for camera STB and remote), it faces competition from smaller, cheaper (as much as 4X) multi-function video conferencing rivals.

Cisco UMI, home videoconferencing

The 1080p HD video conferencing camera connects to an internet-enabled console that allows video chat (with remote control) via the living room TV. A monthly subscription ($25 in USA)  is required. Umi accepts video calls from Google video chat, as well as records videos to use as messages or share online.

Of course, Skype remains the toughest competition: 40% of calls placed over Skype are video calls. But compare ūmi as a single-function device to Logitech’s camera as part of Google TV, Skype as integrated with internet-enabled TVs, and Microsoft and Sony cameras as part of their game consoles (with motion-sensing capabilities). Nor is ūmi interoperable with Cisco’s corporate telepresence systems (so no executive toy here).

On the surface, it looks like ūmi will not be the mass market product Cisco so desperately wanted but that's not stopping Best Buy from putting it on American store shelves as we speak.

Go Cisco Brings Out ūmi


Show Board Insists CeBIT On a Growth Trajectory

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The show we love to hate says it is on a growth trajectory. Deutsche Messe AG managing board member Ernst Raue thanks CeBIT's increased efficiency (referring to their efforts to help exhibitors target customers even more precisely, creating new business).

CeBIT 2010

Raue wants you to know a large number of market leaders have already confirmed their presence at the show. Some are even planning an increase in stand size. The market has been concerned in the past about CeBIT's dwindling ranks. CeBIT dropped from 6000+ exhibitors at its peak - 4157 took part this year, from 2009's 4300 and 5848 exhibitors in 2008. Yet these amounts still make CeBIT the largest IT gathering in Europe (OK, the world!).

This makes CeBIT a controversial topic which we best explored in our last CeBIT write-up. The article attempts to clarify much of our emotional struggle over CeBIT (and emotion is a complex issue that industry tends to ignore as if business is not a series of emotions.)

What you should know about the next CeBIT: it will divide into 4 different platforms (CeBIT pro, CeBIT gov, CeBIT lab and CeBIT life).

"Work and Life with the Cloud" will be the theme, spreading through the show's four segments.

Turkey is CeBIT 2011's partner country (and that's a country with great yet underestimated strengths in ICT). If you want to do business with Turkey (buy from a less expensive source or sell to one of Europe's massive and growing markets), that's probably reason enough to go to CeBIT.

Go CeBIT 2011

Is iPad Hurting PC Sales?

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Not according to NPD Group's 'iPad Owner Survey' report, at least.


The report says only 13% of iPad owners bought Apple's tablet instead of a PC, while for 24% it replaced a planned e-reader purchase.

48% of iPad owners own an Apple computer, and 38% own an iPhone.

NPD says iPad early adopters are tech-savvy, and buy products because they want, not need, them.

Meanwhile another survey by TBR of 500 iPad owners and future buyers claims 32% of those taking part bought or will buy the device to replace their PC. 44% of respondents said the tablet is their no. 1 computing device while just over 50% said the opposite.

TBR says the iPad created a third major device category, sitting between PC's and smartphones.

Go NPD iPad Sales are Incremental and not Cannibalizing PC Market

Go TBR Apple iPad Will Disrupt PC Market By Creating New Usage Model

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