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10000 iPads a Day Don't Keep Apple's Expectations Away

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IPad sales reach 4.2 million from July to September - failing to reach Apple's 5 million target. Not even $4.31 billion Q4 profits satisfy Wall Street's greed - Apple share prices fall by over 6% during after-hours trading.


This news is probably the cause for Steve Jobs' appearance - and angry comments - at the earning calls. While happy for iPhone sales finally exceeding RIM's Blackberry, he also has plenty of hard words for the iPad's competition.

He describes the current crop of 7" tablets as "tweeners" that will disappoint consumers expecting a pleasant touchscreen experience.

For the CEO these devices are "DOA - dead on arrival". Of course he implies that the tablet market is Apple's territory - and only Apple's.

This is not the first time Jobs openly criticises a device category - in this case smaller tablets - before announcing a new product in that same category a few months later. Back in 2003 Jobs openly said Apple had no plans to make a tablet - or entering the cellphone market.

Google's OS also gets a fair piece of Jobs' mind. Jobs says Android's approach is "fragmented". The open-vs-closed argumnent is just a smoke screen and causes a confusing experience for both consumers and developers. He claims what buyers really want is just devices that work.

Go Apple iPad Sales Fail to Hit Forecasts

CompTIA Absorbs TCA

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TCA, the feisty UK computer association with its historical roots leading back in years to system-building PC dealers and off-the-page resellers (how quaint that sounds today!), will cease to exist from 1st November 2010 as CompTIA takes over. CompTIA, America's very successful computer association for resellers and VARs, has its European office in UK.

The move is good for both organizations, creating a more powerful computer channel association in the UK-- and perhaps setting an example of how future growth for CompTIA might be achieved (i.e., through absorbing more national associations).


CompTIA International VP Matthew Pyiadgi says the reseller community asked them to acquire the TCA. "The reseller community needs a single platform and a stronger voice," he continues.

The existing TCA team will work within CompTIA.

Pyiadgi explains the organisation will be structured in 3 concentric circles. The 25-strong Executive Council is at the centre, the Community in the middle and the Members are the outer circle.

CompTIA wants to grow this quickly to start focusing on reseller membership and engagement. The strength of CompTIA lies in reseller education and certification.

Go CompTIA absorbs TCA

Viewsonic Launches 3D-LED Display

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Viewsonic says its V3D241wm-LED 3D monitor is ideal for both gaming and movies. The 24" screen is the company's first 3D-LED monitor.

Viewsonic 3D

Framerate is 120Hz with 2ms response time. Brightness level is 300 nits.

It comes with a pair of active shutter glasses.

The model features x2 SRS 2W speakers and is Windows 7 and AMD certified.

Go ViewSonic V3D241wv-LED

EMEA PC Shipments on Slow Upturn

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Gartner reports Q3 2010 PC shipments total 27.3 million. This is an increase of 7.3% over Q3 2009.

PC Market

This single-digit growth shows consumers and business are delaying PC purchases as choice broadens. Ranjit Atwal, Gartner research director says consumers are also waiting attractive seasonal offerings in Q4.

Tablet media hype makes consumers consider tablets as a complementary purchase, if not a replacement.

PC market cannibalization due to tablets is minimal, but PC purchase delays increase the risk of slower mobile PC market growth.

The economic climate makes companies cut spending even on aging PC hardware. Gartner perceives Windows 7 deployment to move into 2011.

Acer retains its lead on the market with 22.5% market share, down from 2009's 24.2%. HP and Dell hold 2nd and 3rd places. Lenovo has 2010's strongest growth, with shipments growing 61.3% Y-o-Y.

Go Gartner PC Market 2010 Outlook

GITEX Hosts ICT Business Minds

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For the first time in its 30 years GITEX will host a Global Leaders Summit, taking place GITEX Technology Week's opening day.

GITEX Conferences

This year's summit's theme is "Inspiring Innovation and Collaboration".

Announced speakers include Rajeev Asija, Executive VP of HCL, Ali Faramawy Microsoft International VP, Bhaskar Gorti from Oracle and Randi Zuckerberg, official Facebook spokesperson and and Market Development Director.

Microsoft OEM Division VP Steve Guggenheimer will present an invitation-only keynote, "Innovation and How that Equals Opportunity for You".

The GITEX Global Conference will include more than 50 industry expert speakers over 3 days, followed by a Developer Day.

The Technology Week will run from 17 - 21 October 2010 at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Go GITEX Technology Week

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