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One Plug, Two Chargers for Macbook Users

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One Plug, Two Chargers for Macbook Users

Your Macbook and iDevice owning customers might find the PlugBug quite useful-- it replaces the removable standard 2-prong adapter and adds a USB port, turning it into a 10W USB charger.

Thus, it allows one to simultaneously charge a Macbook and an iDevice. As a plus, the PlugBug also works as a standard standalone USB charger.

It still has one catch, though-- it is currently only available with a North American-compatible plug. It can still serve European customers crossing the pond by converting Continue reading...

Lenovo Upates PC Keyboard Remote

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Lenovo Upates PC Keyboard Remote

Lenovo updates the N5901 Multimedia Remote with Keyboard with the N5902, replacing the glossy black finish with a matte fingerprint-proof exterior and adding backlighting to the keys.

The company also includes an optical pointer and a "ridged" scroll bar.

It operates at 2.4GHz frequency, and has an operating range of up to 30 feet according to Lenovo.

Ideal for customers using home theatre PCs, installation requires plugging a USB nano dongle (included) and is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Continue reading...

Turning Real Ink into Digital Sketches

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Turning Real Ink into Digital Sketches

Your more artistic customers should find Wacom's Inkling rather interesting-- it turns real ink drawings on paper into digital art, without the need of a scanner.

The Inkling consists of a traditional ballpoint pen and a digital receiver tracking and recording pen strokes with 1024 sensitivity levels.

The receiver clips to the edge of paper or sketchbooks, and is adjustable for left or right handed users. Once finished from a drawing, the user presses a button to make the Inkling record a new Continue reading...

LEDs Come To iPod Cases

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LEDs Come To iPod Cases

Who says mp3 player cases can't be dynamic? Improv Electronics launches the Skin Flik, the colour-changing device case for iPod Touch 2/3G.

The case carries a Reflex electronic skin with integrated LCDs, alongside a touch sensitive strip. Swiping a finger over the strip lights up the LCDs, causing the colour change.

The LCDs lie beneath a clear plastic lens printed with a graphic image, parts of which remain clear to reveal the skin beneath.

It also doesn't use power from the device, as it uses Continue reading...

Helping With Password Storage

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Helping With Password Storage

One can't always rely on their memory for password storage-- thus your customers should find a secure alternative with Menstecnica's I-Memo and its fingerprint recognition.

The I-Memo is a portable password-storing device smaller than a mobile phone, allowing access to stored passwords via fingerprint verification instead of a  master password.

It stores up to 2000 records (each with PIN, userID, password and other fields) and has a random password and number generator. The device can handle up Continue reading...

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