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Made in Croatia...Hand-Made PC Cases

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MEC PCMEC Solutions, a distributor and system builder in Zagreb, now builds its own desktop PC cases. MEC makes these desktop PC casings by hand, aiming for premium quality and high ecological standards.

We interviewed Aleksandar Savic, CEO of MEC Solutions, on his distinction of making cases 100% produced in Europe.

As a system builder, are you exporting the PC systems as well as the cases to Europe?

No, our systems are being sold only in Croatia for now. Because of export procedure and cost it is unaffordable for buyers outside Croatia to purchase our systems. However, we offer technical advisory for foreign buyers and "remote desktop software setup" (which is our value added in any case). For a fee, we recommend hardware parts and we setup entire software remotely. Once we join EU we will offer our systems to foreign markets.

Does the fact that you are building systems with your own cases give you any competitive advantage?

Of course it does! We have our unique identity. We have used several other PC casing brands (Lian-Li, Thermaltake, Silverstone) in the past but we found that the price is much higher and it is hard to find and purchase them in Croatia. This way, we have our product that we produce as needed and we keep visual identity structure.

Will Croatia joining the EU on 2013 help you in any way?

It most certainly will. Once Croatia joins EU we'll have less paperwork for export and more affordable shipment rates. Though current procedure isn't "too much work," there are lots of financial obstacles (VAT calculation, paperwork for special export/import taxes, etc). Another point of view is more secure payment environment and different possibilities for opening store credits to foreign buyers. Last but not least, once Croatia enters EU our products will not only be Croatian but also an EU products.

Why did you feel the need to get handmade cases? What was wrong with Taiwanese/Chinese cases?

Well, I myself am perfectionist. Since I have used many of competitor's products in the past I have always found them to be to expensive or lacking in characteristics. First in mind are their dimensions and design: none of them fit or looked good with my expensive Hi-Fi set. After some research and calculations I understood we can make perfect HTPC case at lower cost than to purchase some of allready existing products. Another thing is that handmade product are separately checked in each and every step of the production process and help guaranty maximum experience to end user, especially to those demanding as myself.

What is most interesting for worldwide distributors, we have EUR1 and FORM A certificate for our products (probably we are the only ones in the world with both of them) that enables us to export our products without special import taxes to EU, Russian Federation, Australia, New Zeland and Japan. (I haven't heard that any other producer has this privilege). Beacuse of our customer support/relations, buyers can also track production stages and shipment with more easy than in Taiwan/China.

NEC CasesWhere in Europe are they handmade? Is it in Croatia?

Our products are 100% made in Croatia. The only imported component is steel (Germany). Everything else is produced and assembled here in Croatia.

Are the cases to be sold under the MEC brand?

Yes. However, we do have a "private label production" program for wholesale distributors and box movers and IT brand producers that might be interested in purchasing our products with their own brand.

You mention " high ecological standards." Can you tell me a little more about what's involved to go green in the cases?

We have carefully chosen each and every part of our products. We use only recycled/recyclable materials and only environment-friendly technological process for material treatment. Even our packaging is made out of recycled materials. Therefore, we stand with our belief that we have "green products" of which we are particulary proud.

There's also one more interesting aspect of our business to mention...

We can design, develop and produce any kind of PC case and even IT case (network switches, HDD internal/external cases, etc.) for an exclusive buyer under his brand. This information could be useful to worldwide producers/distributors.

Watch MEC Solutions Desktop PC Cases