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3G and Tablets: A Booming Combination

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tabletTablets carrying 3G/4G technology will make over 50% of tablets sold globally by 2015, Park Associates predicts-- 68 out of 126m.

Customers are increasingly engaging in social networking, uploading photos online and watching online video on mobile devices-- all data-intensive services. Thus it only makes sense for tablets (with their increased visual and computing capabilities) to offer the same mobile internet capability.

Park Associates' report says 3G subscribers will double over the next 5 years-- account for over 47% of W.w. mobile subscribers. An additional 5% will subscribe to 4G services.

The analyst recommends carriers optimise their networks' performance, be more selective with their mobile platform subsidising and monetise wifi assets in order to remain profitable-- while fitting customers' needs with more flexible pricing options.

Go Tablet Sales Booming Alongside 3G and 4G Network Subscriber Growth