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OS Switching With a Button Press

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CUPP proposes laptop users should be able to switch between a desktop OS and a low-power OS (like Chrome or Android) with a button press-- and that's exactly what the company has on show at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona.

CUPPThe demo unit on show is a modified MacBook Pro with a TI OMAP-based daughter-board module (in pace of the optical drive). By flicking a switch, one is able to instantly switch between OSX (running on the x86 system) and Android (running on ARM). CUPP says one can even have 2 low power operating systems installed on the same ARM system, with the user choosing as required.

The reasoning behind the company's proposal goes that ARM platforms need a fraction of the power x86 systems do-- at the show CUPP shows how a Windows 7 machine on sleep mode consumes more power than a running ARM system.

CUPP should be shipping least one product on Q2 and Q4 2011-- possibly an ARM-based daughter board solution (like the one at the show) for users to install on their laptops. It also hopes to have its technology into other vendors' products, and is already in talks with some companies.

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