DSGi Changes to Dixons Retail Plc


CurrysDSGi dropped the Dixons retail brand in 2004 and went with "Currys."

That 2004 name-change also inspired the "DSGi" corporate moniker. Now it's back to the future and DSGI will re-brand the organization under Dixons Retail Plc.  With its first annual profit in three years, Dixons has transformed more than 200 stores across the group since 2008. Transforming the corporate name is probably just one more change that had to be made with Best Buy Europe breathing down its neck.

Reformatted stores perform well: average gross profit is up 20% versus the rest of the chains. And average gross profit up 50% in the megastores and 2-in-1s.

Pure internet sales (under Dixons name) hit 1.4 billion pounds, and 16% of total Group sales of 8.5 billion pounds (at fiscal year-end in May 2010).

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