EMEA PC Shipments on Slow Upturn


Gartner reports Q3 2010 PC shipments total 27.3 million. This is an increase of 7.3% over Q3 2009.

PC Market

This single-digit growth shows consumers and business are delaying PC purchases as choice broadens. Ranjit Atwal, Gartner research director says consumers are also waiting attractive seasonal offerings in Q4.

Tablet media hype makes consumers consider tablets as a complementary purchase, if not a replacement.

PC market cannibalization due to tablets is minimal, but PC purchase delays increase the risk of slower mobile PC market growth.

The economic climate makes companies cut spending even on aging PC hardware. Gartner perceives Windows 7 deployment to move into 2011.

Acer retains its lead on the market with 22.5% market share, down from 2009's 24.2%. HP and Dell hold 2nd and 3rd places. Lenovo has 2010's strongest growth, with shipments growing 61.3% Y-o-Y.

Go Gartner PC Market 2010 Outlook