SCSI Trade Association Looks Ahead


SCSI TAThe popularity of the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) storage interface might be waning in the face of SATA and RAID but the interface trucks on-- the SCSI Trade Association (STA) got a new board of directors for 2014.

The standard even went through a number milestones during 2013, with the SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) interface reaching the final standardisation of SAS-3 by T10, with volume deployments of 12Gb/s SAS products.

Also finalised are the first versions of the SCSI Express specifications, including the SCSI over PCI (SOP) and PCIe Queuing Inteface (PQI) technical standards.

"In 2014, we'll see a real ramp-up of 12Gb/s SAS products in production volume and additional traction for the SCSI Express specification," the association says. "You'll also see STA represented at numerous industry events, speaking about and demonstrating why SCSI remains the mostly widely adopted storage standard interface technology."

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